Divisoria Mama

for people who want to know more about Divisoria and my journey towards being a Mama!

The exercise game plan for baby Limchu! August 4, 2011

Filed under: Mama Stuff — erclimchu @ 9:17 pm
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I just had to write this. I posted about it first on facebook, for those who aren’t my “friends” this is what I posted as my recent status:

what is motivation? — baby is due and is still not ready to come out on her own.
what is sacrifice? — climbing up and down the FREAKING stairs 20 times
what is love? — husband climbing alongside with you, even if he’s not pregnant haha

And tonight, to make things more interesting, I decided to climb up and down the stairs with a purpose. We usually eat dinner at the 2nd floor of our house, and since I need to climb up and down anyways, I decided to carry the left over dishes and used plates and glasses to the kitchen rather than just ask the maid to get it after dinner. But since I have a very supportive family, this became the game plan:

Shoti at the top of the stairs waiting to hand me the dish

My fur babies escorting me down the stairs – they thought we’re playing  a game!

My other fur baby waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs

Maid at the bottom of the stairs to get the dishes

I think I’m very blessed to have this kind of family!

Baby Limchu, please come out soon, mommy and the whole family (yes, even the dogs!) are excited to meet you! mwah!


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